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Poems of Inner City [Minneapolis, Minn.]

Poems of Inner City [Minneapolis, Minn.]

Poems of Inner City [Minneapolis, Minn.]

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 02:41 PM PDT

Poems 58-to-64]

Poems of Inner City [Minneapolis, Minnesota, l982]

Note: The following seven poems were originally published in the Minneapolis independent newspaper "Insight", between August 12 and January l982 l983.

Contents / Outline

58-1 – First Avenue [12 August l982, Vol 9, No 22)

59-2 - The Big Henn-Epine Avenue [[23 September l982, Vol 9, No. 25]

60 & 61 / 3 – & -4 – Bus Stop No. 1 and the telephone Hood [21 October l982, vol.No. 9 & 28]

62-5 – Elsie Christmas: 16 new in '32 [December l982]

63-6 – About 10.00 [January 6. ; 093]

64-7 – Ritual – on First Avenue, Mpls, MN [January 20 l983]

These poems were written, as the author hung in the corners of Hennepin Avenue in Mpls in the early l980. Most of the buildings have been replaced and the whole area has a new composure. And these poems are able to provide a piece postarity.

1 – First Avenue:

I saw a man dieyesterday
– A man I ever met –
With all the dignity of a dog,
He died on 22

He was lying face down on the sidewalk
Two bullets in his flesh:
His black skin absorbs the sun
Observers, motionless.

Oh! I know that it is not uncommon
For this event
Inside a crowded city asphalt
Where people are just things

But then it is difficult to
– Even with our morels and morals
A life taken so easily;
With regard to – the door said.

TheDaily we read: "1 man dies … 22
Shot … First Ave …
From … Oklahoma … 7:00 clock ..
Outside bar 'called Gem … "

I heard the murderess to flee:
The reason –
It was hot that day …

Note: I stopped at the bar, called the gem of the day. And it was on the road when I heard someone running. I turned and heard a shot, a man ran Hennephen Avenue, the other goes in the opposite direction. The man was about 15 feet away from me. The ambulance arrivedwithin 12 minutes. I have a lot of drink and bar hopping. It 'been a very hot day.

2 – The Big Henn-Epine Avenue [Mpls, MN '82; 07.15 Clock]

Mr. Henn on the road …

By 7 – In a bow [Hall]]

Marked "magazines …"
To a passerby – a stranger calls:

"A mutual friend;
Another thing then. "

Between 4 and 8 – Hookers

Residue with the feet –

In your busy taverns;
While police officers to go at their own pace


Eto stop outside a burger

A group of provocateurs

Use speaking illegal.

Then in a car lot on the back

They claim you are – an inn

More than a Finn.

Besides 6th Avenue, one block

A Wino takes a little 'head

As they approached –
In the light of day.

A'D of a parking meter

Not far away – an old Vet

Waiting for prey.

Down to the first – on foot, two young studs

– Check out car

Run – for a neighbor.

A'D on all busesStops

Within this space –

Tax-paying adults –
Watch and wonder.

At 9:15 – is clear to see –

He repeated his – three cars

Note: as I said, I would then walk the streets at night. I was working, divorced, and what had happened. I lived in St. Paul, and has played in Minneapolis. I think it's a time for everything.

In this next poem, I remember many times waiting in a bar, or in a bar or in a buildingMinneapolis, for the telephone. It seemed that every time I was on the phone, the person would wait to hear two meters from me. One way of saying, can begin. What caused this poem was one day I was on the phone, there was a lady, two meters away that I was mentioned by me. I looked strange, like a step back and say. He would not. So I told my friend I would call back later. I'm off the phone. When the lady on, I was standing two feet away. It 'really bother her. When sheout, I asked him how he likes it. She gave me a look like discussion, and got away from me. You might think I was crazy. Then I went to the bar, sat down after this experience, and wrote the following poem entitled "The Hood phone." It should be noted, although these poems were published in the newspaper, I was never a comment. To be the first to get a little back ground. Although they can be self-explanatory.

3-The Telephone Hood

SomethingI noticed

And he never understood
– A hood telephone.

I'm in a restaurant

Tavern or shop –
He / she will be five feet

And the feeling that they should;

Staring, mockingly – silently

Think of Mr. Bell System
They see.

But then it's up to you –

And apparently – GOOD

The call is private,

Personnel – by
Telephone Hood!

Dedicated to the phone booth in downtown Minneapolis,Minnesota.

4 – No. 1 bus stop


A contraction of the swelling;
His neck, three shades of red;
Her temple, an open wound –

His blood seeped sown


His clothes

Texture of soot;
His eyes were pale with death;

Stands – this guy –
With the number one bus stop –

The corner of sixth and

He cursed the bystanders

To drive, unable to help;
He laughs with gesturesPain;

Plays, and so on –
With vulgarity.
As I approach with tact

Have an attitude of help –
I hurry to a pub near

And call an ambulance.

I go back to the walk
I realize that it is to walk
[Laughter jokes, jokes with

A policeman looks on my way

To say in five words:

"We've done our share."

Passing day,

He's back
Same angle

With aBottle
I think that now – I should, I

Making friends?
He called again to Wolf:
The ugly looking human shock
– This happens a lot –

Bus stop + 1 …

5 – Elsie Christmas

(Even in '32)

A note to the poem: Elsie is my mother. He loved Christmas trees, they decorate. It is now 81-years. Do not know I do not decorate more, but Christmas seems to buy gifts, cards and all, always to the best of the yearfor them, and, of course, the birth of Christ. I wrote this poem in December l982, and was published on 16 December in l982. Now, almost 20 years later, I re-discover and share their memories with you. I remember talking to her shortly before writing the poem. I asked her what came to mind. And if I do, the good care and keep a copy in his bedroom drawer.

Part I

It 'was in '32
If a paper doll would have done –
Icicles, wooden shoes.

And onlyduring Christmas

Now – I remember –
I would be curled up
A brother, sister

Friend …
On a street corner
Observe fire
Street – the car – Racing

For the city –
On the cobblestone streets,
Where the children sang songs.

And not far

It was an orphanage
– I remember –
St. Joseph (St. Paul):
I spent some time

But after his death;
But I was never –
Remember how he loved

Christmasthroughout the year.

Oh! how I love Christmas –
With all its beauty and rhymes;

Drawn sleigh rides
And the old street lamps,
The Salvation Army
Ringing their songs.

And every Christmas

I would walk with Dad
At the market –
Carrying a Christmas Tree

At home the same day;
Dressing room with tinsel,
Lamps of all kinds.
Listen to the radio

Christmas bells ring.

Elsie Christmas Part II [l982]

And 'now'82
Times have changed;
More Santa Claus
Do their thing.

Artificial Christmas trees
Throughout the year, Christmas stockings;
Other children on skis,
Snowmobiles in the parks;
Other games, TV

Christmas cards, which seem

To speak.

Festival of Joy,
Ice fishing on the lake

Ice Castles, parades –

Not exactly the, same
Not –

Just like '32

But it will.

But the ChurchBells

Have not changed;
The white flakes

There remain however, and
The North Wind – yells

Singing in a whisper.

Oh! how I love Christmas –
With all its beauty and rhymes;
Like back in '32
If a paper doll would do.

Part III

Some things never change
Like back in '32 – we all knew:

In a stable in Bethlehem,
In a land called Judea

2000 years –
A child is born, it is called,
Jesus Christ, ourSavior.

Word count: 2001 # 989/re-edited

Added a new version: Part IV

Elsie Christmas – 2001

Oh! The fun has not even stopped at 81

I watched as she saw me
Open my gifts a few days ago, as if

It 'was but ten

Still love Christmas in September

Deep in his heart
Like back in '32,

If a paper doll would do.

And although she can not walk or

As way back then
You can still wrapgifts

And this is my story for you
A Christmas 81, my mother,

Year …

22.00 6 clock around / I met a demon

(San Francisco, l969)
Poetry for today canceled

(MPLS Minn.) on First Avenue – 7 – Ritual

As I write
This poem with tears
Fears annual scientific
With love?

In a pub on First Avenue
Fifth of its 9: 15 Clock
I sat on a wobbly
Wooden chair
Sipping cold lightBeer
Thinking about thinking
And 'here in its
The new me
Value generation
It comes and goes

To support their
Again I Atomic hours
Basic needs

The bartender says:
The same Sir "safe"
He smiles … no tip
Now think
I think he thinks
The friend next time

Diffuses through music

Bubbling complaints
Politics Religion girl
Sports wrong
I sold a million bet

I think a poetry
A poemWriting poetry
A little 'quiet

But I say, it would
In this world of
Complexity of force-feeding

No, do not go,
Be read

A photo on the wall
And 'staring at me
Crowded skies thick fog
Surrounding the site
Realism, I say!

But that brings pain
Too hard to live with him

Perhaps a sonnet haiku
Rhymes with something
Stress' metaphors
Classical parables
Fiorito psychology (?)

I see nowplanted in my
Light beer cold
I was sipping
Sip sip
There is nowhere

My ashtray full
Butts Butts Butts
I think it is my
Each 'busy
Pretending I bet

'Bottle' and understanding of the body
I doubt that I remember

I know! A universal

