วันพุธที่ 10 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Happy Anniversary

Happy Anniversary

Happy Anniversary

Posted: 09 Aug 2011 04:21 AM PDT

"A moment like this is for old guards to sit and relax as we remember the good old days dying of -. The good old days at school, I mean" Grandfather spoke, as I sat listening, as father and mother chronicle of his experiences devoutly.

Now looking thoughtfully into the distance, he continued. "The years have passed, and with them, good souls, many of my classmates with whom he would otherwise have been enjoying now safe in the worldbeyond – men like Dr. Patson Oduwole-Thompson, my best friend, always so compassionate and funny, but dutifully, when it comes to work. Oh life! Vanishes like a passing breeze. "Grandpa leans his head, and relapse into another spell of reflections Raise back turned to me and said." We have done our part. We now deliver to you so that it plays its role. "He has a deep look at his father and turned to me and my attention to him said: 'You? see your father, "It took a long series of pipe and a second face is obscured by a thick veil of white smoke, while still in the memories." He was diligent and conscientious determination, I can 't think of someone suitable to him.' For this the step that he thought rose so quickly. Senior Engineer, National Electricity Company. This guy, I'll ask her footsteps approaching, so that you can never go wrong. "

My head was bentHumility, because I received rapt attention with the gray-haired man, but still strong. It 'back to his usual thoughtful reflections for a while' and then the resumption of expressing his thoughts, said. "Our days were very difficult there was no car for long distances to barefoot walk to school , often through dirt roads and rocky ".. I opened my eyes in disbelief and a faster response, stressed -. Barefoot, I tell you, my boy, you should thank God we grow in a world whereMuch progress has taken place. You do not have the problem that has crossed to leave now. She did not appreciate what I'm not saying even lived experience. "

Grandfather, at this point has taken a particularly long train of his pipe, and then threw another cloud of smoke bleaching half of his face furrowed covered. Then again, he continued: "I remember once, when I go to the city center for Lumley, barefoot in the sun scorching hot and I had to add it.Overall, my head was bald, which was only the day before the shaved skin. I could wear a hat, but I could not afford. While I was resting from the latent heat at times, where I saw a cock managed to wash my face and feet before continuing on foot or, occasionally, throwing shadows on the asphalt patches of tall buildings. "Time to clean and then fill the pipe, said much more loudly:" Those books you have in your bag in school that could afford to own it!more than two or three of them then? If you are not what the teacher said in class that you are ready to feel old. The teachers were then the alpha and omega of all things in the classroom. Because they spoke with power and authority, while we, the unarmed students listened in rapt attention, both in worship and reverent, and fear the loss of the smallest detail of what is to us. But despite our best days were still good. We have done our best, although competitionwas very interested. Now remember it was a strong rivalry between the more and kept me Oduwole Patson-Thompson, Thompson Gerald Clifford Smith and Mac-Lawson. We have always been in the 80s. Only the groups, we are able to outsmart each other. So, the first position is always between us, turning four. I remember once when the teacher has given you as a rare opportunity to share the top spot between me and Patson. "Then he smiled in the direction of his father, said:" Football was our favoriteGame. We played against them during the long break and after school. We have often played against other schools. Most of the players from other schools were big, strong and tough guys. They never hesitate to use violence in the field of play. So, our team built primarily from a little 'boys to come along do not always perform well. I remember once, when he succeeded in spite of all our guys to foul the other team, how much joy he gave to beat.

Father continued to smile encouraging forGrandpa, as he continues his chronicle continues: … "I was center forward our goalkeeper was then Amadu Sheriff of blessed memory, was a famous goalkeeper, with great talent, no ball in my memory has gone through the bars, it was as if a spell. Bound to them. He was popularly known as" Amadu to win not the "known. Another, because of the power in his feet, he has nicknamed" the shooter "It 'still alive. I forget his name and strange, but I do not even know where nowLife. "

"This is really unfortunate!" My mother complained: "How nice it would be forward to having you with us."

"Oh yes, and he will make good company and …" Compliment her father's mother then mixed and complete detection of a sound to signal: "I heard the sound of the bell."

"I heard it myself." Grandpa confirmed. Mother then asked me to go and see who. With the critical eye of his grandfather pointed directly at me, I ran to the door. When I opened it, a large, clear skinThe man came

"Oh, hello, Lightfoot," father greeted him warmly on him to recognize. "God, you feel younger and younger every day. This woman has a special hand for you, eh, lucky."

"Oh, no. Please, do not pull my legs. Come on. This is nothing compared to you. When I think that these muscles are, you are still in your teens when they used to fight. And then, your face is always smiling the impression that you have no problem at all. And how should abeautiful woman by your side?. "My mother turned red and then laugh with all the adults are in conjunction, new entrants such as kissing, they broke his hand. 'S father then asked him to us as Dick Lefevre, a former classmate." We were all in the graduating class of 1970 ".

"I am glad you are to meet old boy," his grandfather greeted him with his hand outstretched toward him. "They came in at a good time to share our feelings and wishes for a happy anniversary. Sitand then feel at home, as you can. "

"It 'really a rare opportunity for us at a time like this, when we celebrate our centennial school reunited. I'm sure this would bring a lot of inspiration for our young friend here, and encourage it for any other school. Determinations of our "Even if you say that Dick gave me a pat on the neck and held tenderly continued:" How else could he do, it's only natural one for the better, which is nothing more than what we decide isas it is. "

"Well, actually it has already started to go there."

"What! This is damn intelligent than you, my boy," said Dick, give me a pat on the back of a lot warmer this time. "So are quietly cultivate a new balance of Kingwaleans here, of course, with the exception of the woman."

"Oh, are they? He made high school, you know."

"Well, now I just have to take your hat off to you. In reality 'have come full circle and, therefore, is through andby the noble bearing. And it must have all legal rights for the most part in the celebrations. "

"Do not say you know that we are ready atready well. The house is well stocked to begin with. We must not then something else annoying. Let's just settle here and a rollicking good time together .."

"Oh, how nice of you. I am more than satisfied." Dick seemed visibly moved when my father went and brought a tray of drinks, the mummywent to serve. After everyone had already served his memories his father began, "I remember years ago when we were still in school," she stole a sly and grandfather with a beam of light illuminates her face, continued: "Yes, were then he could. otherwise Tuboku around with men like Davis and Taylor-Betts you were never short of jokes to us to talk in class. I remember the incident between Daba and Pa Tuboku. It 'was when we were in Form 4 at the end of 1968, Ithinking. "

"Ah Pa Daba!" Friend of his father called. "I remember it was a bloodthirsty tyrant damned. So I felt very good day, Tuboku checked on him. I could not remember exactly what he had done. But what I could Pa. Daba is full number of insults against him. Then Daba Pa moved to his parents, and there was too much to digest for Tuboku. He could not lie anymore. So he stood up to his full height and said gruffly. "Look sir, you will not have that,Do you understand? "Pa Daba was shocked he was speechless for several minutes and unable to utter a word Then called his full authority as a teacher and asked: .." Who do you think you're talking about, so, too? Maybe it's the way you were talking to your father. But today I will teach you how to talk with the elders, if your parents did. Can be achieved before Tuboku Pa Daba had on him like a wounded hyena whipping where he could reach it pleaseincluding her face. Tuboku fought hard to fend off the blows. He grabbed the stick and then ran away with him, cursing and swearing. Pa Daba down, he moved quickly from the rowdy classroom hours. He never recovered from this blow to his ego. "

"By the way, can anyone tell me where I Tuboku and Taylor? And reallyhas long time since I last saw him."

"Tuboku worked in the mines in Liberia. Taylor, I heard, is a lecturer at a university in the U.S."

'Ohthis is so nice to hear. "

"Everyone in this class is proud of her hard in this competitive world, even the ever Abidor clown in class and then a target for constant curse of the teacher." You would never be any good you'll never be good to know that never get done well, my words. "And 'now a wealthy businessman in Nigeria. He was always first on the back of the class and scored significantly lower ratings of 10% and 15% I can never remember moreTime who scored more than 20%. But what the teachers more angry was that he always jokes of the younger boys, the smallest and brightest in the class were actively engaged. "He paused, took a sip of his beer and swallows it, he continued:" If you go to school last Dick? As for me, it took years. I am sure that many of the difficulties I faced and also to recognize. "

"Without a doubt! Schoolwas not in the same shape as when we were there. It has undergone many changes. Tomorrow we are participating in the ceremony. So I hope we meet there. "

What was it like to spend the evening, the men who had drunk several glasses of alcohol was always fun and has been pitching different melodies in songs of praise. It was a real excitement that only subsided when grandfather and my mother had retired to bed for the night. Somehow I was able to liearound and enjoy the fun. When I swallow more and more looked around, I felt and tried to steal a sip of me. How I envied them, I confess.

The celebration of a great school like ourss is not a small deal, and when it comes to one, so many possibilities on the great men in the country most of his life and career, you could then imagine how it could be. I am enrolled in fact happiness in a moment so favorable. So I wasenthusiastic enough to participate in every single part of the program.

Although Dad had bought me a pair of new shoes, I bring all my shoes brushed inquiring of each other a brilliant shine. Mother had given me a new dress. This was the day before and down my shirt and tie looks very simple, hung on a hanger in the closet.

As he approached the time, my anxiety rose further to feverish heights. I could not even sleep that night.It would be imaginative, as the beginning of the great celebrations kept me awake. All the preparations I do not see much security is a very large and impressive spectacle was. Whether planning a visit with the president himself, and open the festivities. What with the firecrackers, school bands, parade, parade around the city's attractions and fun fare as a side dish?

So with great enthusiasm the next day I wore my full ceremonial uniform "cream-cream" withmatching straw hat and shiny black shoes. I then eagerly father, grandfather and mother to our off-white 504 sedan later. Dad also well dressed in his cream-colored suit went to the car, opened the door and quickly sank into the soft padded seat of the cab is separated. He opened the door on the other side and called Mom to come and take her place beside him. Then sit back Mummy promptly opened the rear door for me and Grandpa to get each of us are all nowThe doors were closed. Then Dad turned the key. He pressed the accelerator. A blank, the loud sound came. He turned the key and pressed the accelerator again. The same hollow sound has been re-released. He repeated the process, but it was the same answer. He decided now, so let the engine cool for a while '. Dead silence followed as Dad looked at the car in silence, as if praying will benefit. My excitement was already beginning to subside. Iwas on the edge, praying to God, not the machine that will not be too late and life would be restored to the engine stubborn. Father turned the key back in my heart I pray fervently to respond positively stated that at this time. But when you apply the gas pedal, the same noise was heard again. "That unfortunate thing to happen in a moment like this!" Dad cried when he opened the car door. The move to the front hood, got it open. She ran a handthrough a series of suspect components and ran back into the vehicle. He turned the key and the pressure applied on the accelerator pedal. The answer was full, but deafening. A full-throated cry rang from the engine previously reluctant. This restored all already drooping spirit. He went again, this time to close the hood. Then she ran again, and quickly resolve for you, let out a sigh of relief when the car drove off the fence in the busyout. It 'been a long tour, but refreshing determined by flows represented by other cars on the same event, as their blend of warm cream color.

After having walked the long stretch of roads and slowed the car as it connects the school to negotiate the already full of people, cars and police officers. Father was there, sent a place to park your car.

We were all waiting for Dad in the car nearby when the mother raised an alarm. Lookingwith eyes wide open asked: "John, what the hell is that costume?" He immediately stopped his action and carefully refrained. It 'was extended to the sight of a big black belt from the right side of life, beaten on his jacket, both jacket and pants. "Damn! What is this now?"

"It must be the engine if you worked on it, probably," Mom suggested.
"Well, looks like a very unfortunate day indeed. What can be donenow? "

Transfer Mom, dad and grandfather and then decided to return home. As for me, my heart sank into my body, as we have in the car and re-negotiated our way out, but the lively atmosphere of the school party.

"Do not worry, we will all see on television tonight. The President is there, is sure to get full coverage. Just not to sleep early," his grandfather wanted to convince me. But my mind was already killed enough. When I arrived,At home, I was forced to go to bed and fell asleep immediately. What for God's sake, a record TV in comparison to there flesh and blood look and wonder at the things that really bring joy to your heart.

