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Home Office – Designing for the senses

Home Office – Designing for the senses

Home Office – Designing for the senses

Posted: 26 Jul 2011 09:40 PM PDT

When designing your home office for maximum productivity and success, it is important that you consider each of your five senses. Approaching your project in a comprehensive manner, it will move more efficient and ensuring a positive reaction by all those who interact in the room. Everyone learns in different ways, some of our images, other auditory and kinesthetic others, designing for the senses, to design truly universal.

Sight Seeing businessTake off

The magic of color. Use corporate colors to best advantage. Strengthen your brand with the colors you have selected. Whether it's a wall accent or a blow from your logo on the wall, or perhaps with your logo on your office chair, all the ways to enhance the image of your brand and remind you of your attention is appreciated. (This is similar to choosing a screen saver with your logo or web site.)

Psychology of color sold! Consider the psychology of color in the selection.Soon red heart beat faster, and you eat more money, more and forget all the time in the presence of red. Orange is the great equalizer is the social and economic accessibility (eg Home Depot). Yellow spores memory (legal pads), may suggest caution is generally regarded as sunny and cheerful, and it works effectively in areas with little or no natural light. It offers the illusion of sunshine. Blue promotes confidence and a general feeling of calm. Green signifies growth and renewal andis the "color of money". Purple represents royalty and often, depending on the season of religion, but it is also a popular color such creative and relieve insomnia (ie encourages daydreams). Brown is generally regarded as conservative and reliable (United Parcel Service). White shows independence and prosperity (afford to keep clean!). Black can be very elegant and chic, but also show their hands off (look do not touch) and will be used sparingly.

Light is energy, it hasenough? Among the various types of light, natural or artificial (incandescent, fluorescent, halogen), preferably natural and optimal two directions. Torchiere lamps (lights designed to be placed in the corners) is usually based halogen with dimmer convenient and better if placed in dark corners where the light reflected from the ceiling and illuminate the room.

Knowing the basics of art. It 'important for images that improves the working environment and check if customersvisit, the appropriate image. (That is, if a travel agent, then the images of exotic destinations, when a financial adviser, then the images of Wall Street, the graphs of stock trends, the images of companies on the stock exchange.

His office is in equilibrium? You need a mix of angular, hard-edged shapes and soft curves. For example, if a rectangular table is used to hold a round table.

Understanding the composition of the office. Because everything is placed makes a difference, there is a visualCohesion? If a unit is clearly used in the structure surfaces and the arrangement of functional and effective?

Sound: Hearing the sounds of productivity

Banish noise. And 'difficult if not impossible, to work successfully with the distractions of noise, whether it be on the mower, dogs barking, children playing, or a stereo system above the elbow.

The white noise is essential. Determine the preferred background music sounds like (style?), Talk Radio, TV, water games,or just quiet. Integrating a radio or stereo system in the design, or perhaps a water feature, like a fountain table.

Taste: feasting on the fruits of your labor

Quench your thirst. Even if only for a water cooler. The idea of ​​clean, fresh, clear water in a glass (not paper cups people!) Transparent and able to lift a state of mind. Add a mini-fridge, if there's room to alleviate these excursions into the kitchen, and will be visiting all the major suppliers or employeesdeserves a break. Keep it well stocked with favorite beverages. In cooler climates can be a real benefit coffee maker and personal wake-therapy!

Keep the munchies at bay. Use a cup of colored glass cake or a tray of fruit for a snack. It also adds the invitation to have something to offer to customers or clients.

Touch: Feel goals at hand

Make to the touch. Add items to your sense of touch touch please -Leather, wood, stone, cashmere, wool, chenille, cane, wicker, sisal.

Mix Juxtapose hard smooth surfaces with softer elements. Do not forget, visual textures, such as models and plants. Layer and combine for maximum effect.

Smell: Scents of Success

Aromatherapy is a big business these days to figure out what triggers your creativity and increases energy to experience a variety of scents (lavender, pine, citrus, sandalwood, etc.) notoverwhelming or too flowery to be effective. Sometimes the addition of a citrus fruit or herb that is sufficient in a decorative vase, allow you to take your office with the energy and the invitation.

Keep it fresh! Avoid bad odors such as musty, old gym shoes, day-old Chinese snack, and so on. Keep an odorless and fresh. Perfume can also be used as a signature for your business. If you are cooking in a home business, nothing beats the scent of heavenly fresh baked cookies, often used to sellCase!

Once you have adequately addressed the senses in your office environment, to find success soon follows.

