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As Media Drives Obesity in children and simple counter tactics

As Media Drives Obesity in children and simple counter tactics

As Media Drives Obesity in children and simple counter tactics

Posted: 03 Jul 2011 06:20 PM PDT

One of the key indicators for the health of Americans today could be the increasing rate of overweight and obese children. The Institute of Medicine found that one third of American children are overweight or at risk for obesity. The Center for Disease Control has found that since 1980 the percentage of overweight children 6-11 years and doubled the number of overweight teens has tripled.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, theIncrease in obesity in children and unprecedented effort on the health of children. "If we do not have to do with children, this could be the first generation to live sicker and die earlier than their parents," says Dr. James S. Marks, senior vice president of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, which recently an unprecedented effort to the epidemic of childhood obesity in 2015 to cancel.

Obesity or overweight is not only harmful to the self-esteem and mental healthYoung people in a society that refers to a high value on thinness, but there are serious physical health. According to Dr. Melissa A. Kalt, Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine / Pediatrics, overweight children are up to health risks as early type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and bad behavior at school such as inattention, with disruptiveness, truancy and low-grade scores.

Some of the environmental factors that contribute to the thoughts areAre overweight more than consumption of fast foods, simple carbohydrates, soda or other high-calorie, high fat foods, portion sizes bigger and bigger, lack of exercise and / or more sedentary lifestyle, consumption of whole foods, fruits and vegetables. However, what could be the basis of all these factors, or at least exacerbated the problem of children and the media.


According to the Task Force on Media and Childhood Obesity by the Federal CommunicationsCommission, today's children spend many hours a day watching TV and being on programming and advertising they see influences.

The Kaiser Family Foundation, says that small children can not distinguish between program content and advertising.

The U.S. Congress, Act of 1990 children's television shows, for the time the average child will house 18 years, he or she has spent hours trying 10000-15000, exposed in front of the TV and mustmore than 200,000 commercials.

According to research studies documented that obesity in children watch television more hours, have increased. (Crespo, 2001)

Another study shows that children who are more than three of us sees every day away 50 percent more likely to be overweight than children who have been less than two hours. (Tremblay, 2003)

Another researcher reported that children who spend a lot of media to a lower activity, which is linked to a higher rateobesity (Vandewater, 2004)

According to the 2004 report "The Role of Media in Childhood Obesity" by the Kaiser Family Foundation, "in the same period is increased by obesity in children is so dramatic, but also an explosion in media targeted to children: TV programs and videos, specialized cable networks, video games, computer activity and Internet sites. "And" most of the media aimed at children is loaded with expensive advertising campaigns, manythe promotion of foods such as candy, soft drinks and snacks. "

The Coalition advertising, reported that $ 10 – $ 15 billion spent each year on advertising of foods to children.

One study documented approximately 11 food commercials per hour during Saturday morning children's television programs, estimates that the average child viewer may be exposed to a food commercial every 5 minutes (Kotz, 1994)

Another study found that the food choices of children significantly affected byShow saw an ad that is, both for fruit or sweets for a view (Gorn, 1982)

Other researchers have found that for every additional hour of television viewed per day, daily servings of fruits and vegetables among adolescents may be due to television advertising (Boynton-Jarrett R, 2003) decreased

While many researchers and studies on the role of media in childhood obesity and overweight (the direct link between advertising and obesity is notofficially founded), advertisers certainly know that television advertising can be used for children and families to influence consumer choices. For example, fast food only spend $ 3000000000 in television commercials aimed at children. And according to "Advertising, Marketing and Media: Together Improving the news at the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies, Food and beverage advertisers spend $ 12000000000 $ 10000000000 of the year, to reach children and adolescents.

So, what isParents do to combat unhealthy and the big advertising dollars behind them? Being here are some tips on how to help children, healthy and fit:

First, educate them about the factors leading to overweight or obesity:

1 Too "fatty foods" (fast food, simple carbohydrates, soda, energy drinks, cereals, etc.)
2 Larger than life-size portions
3 Not getting enough exercise or exercise
Food is not enough 4 everything (fruit, vegetables, wholemeal bread, whole grainsetc.)

Secondly, poor food choices to reduce their homeland. They refuse to buy drinks and cereals sugar or insist that this was released only after a healthy meal in itself.

Third, whole food choices are easy to prepare (ie, pre-washed, cut fruits and vegetables, oatmeal, smoothies, bread, pre-cooked, healthy snacks / meals, like chicken into cubes, string cheese, hardboiled eggs in individual portion containers, you make it. tasty and easy (see recipe green smoothiebelow).

Fourth, encourage them to exercise (ie refuse to sign it go to school, in sports, play with them outdoors, a dog and walks a day). Make it fun.

Fifth, limit the hours television a day. It will teach you how to advertise or "Tevin" the dumb show and fast forward through commercials.

And, finally, shows that fit and healthy means eating healthy foods and physical activity, in direct contrast to television shows likeand advertising portray super-skinny people eat fries and soda drinks, is simply not true. And that educate customers to earn their money, showing beautiful people eat junk food.

Simple, delicious recipe for "green smoothie":

Give your children a slice of fresh, raw fruits and vegetables
(Shhh, tastes so good, your kids do not even know there's spinach in there!)

1 Put about 2 cups water in blender
2 Add a fewHandful of spinach or cabbage or chard, stir until smooth
3 Add the fruit, banana, 1-2 and 1-2 C frozen blueberries or berries or fruit, etc.
4 If necessary, a small amount of sweetener of choice.
5 Smoothie is purple and delicious, and you never know, there have been hidden in the healthy green mix, enjoy!

(Go for a green smoothie a soda! Children who drink one alcoholic beverage a day, 60 percent more likely to be overweight, according to a 2001 study by HarvardChildren's Hospital and Boston University.)


Boynton-Jarrett R, et al, (2003) Impact of television viewing on Erna stalls of fruit and vegetable consumption among adolescents, Pediatrics 112 (2003) 6:1321-1326

Crespo, Carlos J. et al, (2001), watching television, energy intake and obesity in children in the United States, Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, 155, 360-365

The feeding habits of infants and children affect the health and performance. HealthLinkMedical College of Wisconsin.

Federal Communications Commission: Task Force on media and childhood obesity.
fcc.gov / obesity /

Gorn, G, et al, evidence of behavioral effects of television food messages on children, Journal of Consumer Research 9 (1982): 200-205

Kotz, K. et al, (1994), food ads during children's television programming week Saturday Morning: I am the dietary recommendations "?Journal of the American Dietetic Association 94 (1994) 11:1296-1300

National Institute on Media and the Family: The use of media and obesity in children.
mediafamily.org / facts / facts_tvandobchild.shtml

Tremblay, MS et al, (2003), is the Canadian childhood obesity epidemic related to physical inactivity? International Journal of Obesity, 27, 1100-1105

The role of media in childhood obesity: the Kaiser Family Foundation short on the theme that more than 40 studies on the role ofMedia in the nation's dramatically increasing rates of obesity in children, the researchers do and what not on the role media plays in childhood obesity to know. He outlined the media about political choices that have been proposed to help address childhood

USNews "childhood obesity epidemic in the long run Challenge" Article

