วันอาทิตย์ที่ 31 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Modern showers for your bathroom

Modern showers for your bathroom

Modern showers for your bathroom

Posted: 31 Jul 2011 11:20 AM PDT

Today, people use saunas showers for the spa treatment, as in the comfort of their experience at home. These showers enhance the beauty and comfort of a bathroom. Modern accessories and furniture can completely change the look of your bathroom. Luxury showers are not as large and can be installed in small bathrooms. By installing luxurious showers you can save a lot of money you spend when you visit a salon spa.

One of the most popular showers that are used todaySauna showers. Some other features found in a luxury shower are mp3, telephone, foot massager and even television. You can use different sizes and shapes of showers. Showers can be purchased according to your needs. Using special kits you can change the existing shower into a luxury shower. It 'a good idea, accessories stores to buy via the Internet. Many online shops offer discount coupons. The website offers bathroom accessories mustprohibitive.

If you want to enhance the beauty of your bathroom, then it is advisable, some modern accessories and designer furniture to add. A bathroom is a place that is used to get rid of stress during the day. A clean bathroom and luxurious style reflects a person's life. Before planning a new bathroom you should put your budget. You can spend a lot of bathroom accessories, but it all depends on your budget.

Modern bathrooms are like a luxury place where, asRelax after a day's work.

วันศุกร์ที่ 29 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Chimpanzee – Protections for human and Associates

Chimpanzee – Protections for human and Associates

Chimpanzee – Protections for human and Associates

Posted: 29 Jul 2011 12:03 AM PDT

As scientists collect data that are closer to chimpanzees to man. They are sentient, self-aware beings with a strong cognitive skills and a proven ability to communicate, express reason, emotion, fit, and also to manipulate and deceive. 98.5% identical to the genetic material with that of humans, chimpanzees are similar to humans than gorillas. So, there are significant ethical implications on the use of chimpanzees in captivity and laboratory experiments. Below is a firstExamination of chimpanzees:

Chimpanzees live in areas composed of 21 African countries including grasslands, savannas and dry forests. They often live in communities that range from 20 to 100 members. Two species of chimpanzees are – the common chimpanzee (four subspecies) and the bonobo (also known as "pygmy" is known), the former exists on a diet of fruit and meat to feed exclusively on fruit the second. Their average lifespan is between 40-50 years. Chimpanzees arecurrently listed as threatened mainly by deforestation and poaching.

I. brain size / structure / nervous system:

The chimps have a brain and nervous system comparable to that of a man. They learn very quickly, have the ability to generate creative responses, expressing feelings (through sounds, gestures and facial expressions) to influence their environment, and share the same qualitative experience pain in spite of a cerebral cortex that about 1 / 3 the size is thatin humans.

The average brain weighs 437 grams chimpanzees compared to 1.3 kg for the average person. When comparing brain size to body size – of the brain developmental quotient (EQ), records the average brain chimpanzees approximately 2.49 (the third at 7.44 and 5.31 of the average EQ humans and dolphins, monkeys rhesus is the fourth 2.09). This indicates a high level of cognitive ability.

Both humans and chimpanzees engage in sleep itself. This includes the stages of rapid eye movement(REM), which suggests the two is likely that the dream of the situation.

II social context:

Chimpanzees are very social, in accordance with the humans, other apes, dolphins and other animals show a high degree of intelligence.

They spend equal time on earth and the trees (where they build nests to sleep, although some chimpanzees in Senegal's south-east savanna Fongoli spend much time in caves) and go from territory to territory in search of food. Even if atypical community may include up to 100 chimpanzees often lose time to separate into small parties, mothers and their dependent children in case of refusal. Each family chimpanzees (to which individuals have strong ties) is an alpha or dominant males (bonobos, even if run by women), which leads them to protect hunting, territory and make war. Each community is hierarchical in nature, where the strength and intelligence to bring added respect. Women are the only women who move freelybetween communities.

Chimpanzees prefer to enjoy sharing rewarded with a partner. A study by Alicia Melis Iceland Ngamba Chimpanzee Sanctuary in Uganda in altruism "in-built 'in humans by Helen Briggs (BBC News, March 3, 2006) found that documented chimpanzees recognize and appreciate the importance of cooperation. If such cooperation in an experiment that simultaneously pulling two ends of a rope to a platter of food required to obtain, chimpanzees consistently requestedselected the best partners in words Melis', "a measure of human understanding [only see in it]."

In their communities, maintain chimpanzees complicated social network where to touch, grooming (the rest creates and strengthens friendships) and the hugs are important for maintaining cohesion. The game is also an important part of the life of a chimpanzee, especially in men, when they are young.

Chimpanzees are one of the few ways to teach their skills to youngand culture (among communities, which are transmitted from women to move between groups). Young chimpanzees 6-8 years (taught primarily by their mothers) spend much of their time learning social skills, culture and community facilities through the practice of observation, imitation and repetitive. At the same time, however, studies to illustrate the recent studies that have humans and monkeys have in common – and what they do (Anne Casselman, October 11 Smithsonian.comShow 2007), "Human children are far more demanding skills to do … with the imitation of another solution to a problem that non-verbal communication and reading the intentions of [the] other."

The chimpanzees typical pregnancy lasts 8 months. Chimps young are weaned from their mothers for three years, and puberty are available in groups of three years later. For chimpanzees, it takes three years to puberty.

When it comes to treating their deaths, often make frequent visits to see chimpanzees andweeping over the body of the deceased. Then he covers it with leaves and twigs before continuing.

III. Multimodal Sensory Perception:

Chimpanzees and humans use the five senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch) to perceive the world around them. Sight and smell, are discussed in two critical senses used by chimpanzees.

The anatomical and morphological structure of chimpanzees is similar to the human eye. Similarly, their view is similar.Consequently, unlike most non-primate dicromats (their perception of color is based on two colors), primates (including chimpanzees and humans), trichromatic. If the nerves of the retina to capture the light, use his brain three fixed wavelengths / colors to create a rich and colorful. As a result of their similar morphological and anatomical structure of the eye and visual processing, chimps can suffer from some limitations as a human being (for example, Lucky, a maleChimpanzee in Japan suffer from color blindness).

Chimpanzees have an excellent sense of smell plays a crucial role in their social interactions. In addition to face recognition, chimpanzees use smell to identify each other and their understanding of a different state of mind, as each one radiates unmistakable smell of pheromones that can be found in their feces, urine and glandular secretions .

Apart from the sight and smell, chimpanzees also rely on the hearing (using a similarHuman hearing range) and to a lesser extent, touch and taste. It should be noted that chimpanzees, like humans, if they have a choice, they prefer sweets.

IV Form of recognition:

Studies have shown that chimpanzees, like humans are "more sensitive to deformation (important for the construction of three-dimensional objects) as a convex concave deformation." They also view the forms and mentally handle two-dimensional objects in the same way as humans [1].

Based on this similarityand the similar structure of the eyes and visual processing abilities, it is likely, chimpanzees are able to satisfy both simple and complex shapes. More research, however, must be done in this area.

V. Recognition separate mirror (MSR):

Possessing the ability to sense / self-consciousness (thinking to themselves in the physical and spiritual) shows a more complex level of abstract thinking, rare among animals. Chimpanzees possess this self-consciousness and are capable of symbolicthought.

Studies have shown that chimpanzees can recognize themselves in the mirror and realize their behavior and body. While the tests showed MSR chimpanzees have selective attention (you can pay attention to themselves in a mirror, aware that they regarded themselves instead of another animal). If chimpanzees were stained with red dye on the eyebrows, odorless non-toxic, and the opposite ear, went into a mirror and carefully examined the marks on their bodies. ScientificEvidence that chimpanzees and other apes have a degree, "theory of other minds", where you recognize people have their beliefs. It 'also very likely that dolphins and chimpanzees, like humans can make the difference between reality and be seen.

VI. Language / communication and emotion:

Although chimpanzees do not have the vocal cords, the ability to speak and sound for each object as a people, communicating throughNoise (eg barking, screams, shouts, etc.), facial expressions (which require great attention to details or viewing more than one aspect of a facial expression, so that the nuances of meaning that are not always evident, are interpreted correctly), poses and gestures (hands, feet and legs). Although the majority of chimpanzees sounds are connected to a particular emotion, some are associated with more than one emotion in contact. In addition, each chimp, to identify the reasonshas its own calls in harmony with humans and dolphins, their voices and noises, respectively.

Chimpanzee use of intentional communication with the individual and group instruction to meet their needs and feelings to convey an essential part of their social behavior. Certain behaviors are communication that passes through the generations.

A brief summary of the various emotions associated with chimpanzees and the noise is listed below:

1 Anger: Waa (bark)
2Anguish: Hoo
3 The enjoyment of physical contact: Lip Smack
4 Enjoyment of food: Aah
Pleasure 5 / Voltage: pants (Hoot)
6 Fear: Wraa or Pant (Bark)
Hostility 7: Screaming

A brief summary of the chimpanzee and the emotions associated with facial expressions is also listed:

1 Aggression: display of teeth in a mouth wide open, with erect hairs
Fear 2 / help: display of teeth with lips pulled back in a horizontal
3 Intense fear: Full open smile
4 Playful:Mouth slightly open in a relaxed position
Angry 5 / Begging: pursed lips, as if with a kiss
Presentation 6: Horizontal Pout

Chimpanzees to communicate "what" "where", and "who", but the past or the future. Communication takes place immediately on the present. But, as Deborah Fouts, co-director of the Chimpanzee and Human Communication Institute reported by Brandon Keim, Chimps: no man, but there are people? (Wired Science, October 14, 2008), "You knowto remember the past to understand [and] the idea that something happens later. "

Chimpanzees are able to understand American Sign Language (ASL) gestures and to learn associations between symbols, sounds and objects without special reinforcement or direct intervention. In early 1970, he learned to Washoe, a chimpanzee female chimpanzee four other 100 + characters followed. Washoe currently in use up to 240 characters can be learned and adopted son, even without human ASLIntervention.

Another female chimp, Lucy, has also recognized that the word order of a difference when his coach does the signs to tickle him, rather than by a desire to tickle her. However, it is unlikely that chimpanzees can conceptualize virtual reality sounds and symbols to do as human beings.

But, as Valerie A. Kuhlmeier and Sarah T. Boysen, chimpanzees recognize spatial and object correspondences between a scale model and its referent (Psychological Science, Vol 13, Issue 1,March 19, 2002), chimpanzees, like children, "are sensitive to both spatial and object-relational correspondences between a model and its referent (a person or thing to which a linguistic expression (eg, word, symbol) refers). "

Facial recognition is another important part of communication. In line with chimpanzees show species-specific human face recognition, easier to distinguish between the faces of other species such as chimpanzees. However, the chimpanzee infantsreceive significant exposure of human faces are more distinguish between human faces. By Julie Martin Malivel Kazunori Okada, and in recognition of human faces and chimpanzee chimpanzees. Role of exposure and impact on categorical perception (Psycnet, American Psychological Association, December 2007) "The exposure is a critical factor in the same species and even in the face detection nonconspecific for the development of face recognition in chimpanzees child ( Masako Myowa-Yamakoshi, et.al. Science Direct. December 20, 2005), children chimpanzees that develop in human infants, the models of the face rather than face-like patterns of study during his early days.

Chimpanzees show typically affectionate nature, the feelings of their own species and others. They show interest in mourning for the ill or injured members of the deceased (to the point that a healthy young man died of a heart attack a few weeks after the death of his mother), show enthusiasm andJoy in the game, as well as fear and worry. In harmony with people, chimpanzees have emotions that last for a short duration and moods that can last for longer periods. In addition, studies show baby chimps have the same range of emotions like human babies, but better control themselves when it comes to weep uncontrollably. The only chimpanzees seem to possess no human emotions in spite of it.

VII Memory:

Chimpanzees have an excellent memory systems. You may rememberFaces, symbols and numbers, and learn behaviors that can lead to negative or a rewarding experience.

In line with the people to keep chimpanzees have a better memory of events and emotions of those who are neutral to elicit.

Chimpanzees have an extraordinary spatial memory, which Chimps mental map where fruit trees (Matt Walker, BBC News, August 6, 2009) remember the exact location of "a single tree with more than 12,000 others in one pieceForest. "As the forest chimpanzees do not remember the location of the many fruit trees (Emmanuelle Normant, Dagu Ban Simon, and Christophe Boesch, Animal Cognition, 31 May 2009), as spatial memory" allows [chimpanzees] to remember the needs of large resource and use this information to select the most interesting resources. "

In addition, plans chimpanzees (debunking previously thought that only people capable of such planning are the future). Since 1997, Santino, a male chimpanzee in aZoo north of Stockholm, Sweden, during sleep, has repeatedly arsenal of stones arranged so as to throw viewers for a future "show domain". More impressive, he also knew how to recognize weak and break pieces of concrete to add to his cache at his table.

VIII tools and problem solving:

Chimpanzees and other primates are the first actual use of tools (such as chimps use spears to hunt bush Fongoli and kill the bush baby (a nocturnal primates), CongoChimpanzees use a thin toolkit "brush tip" sticks and leaf blades "fish" for termites and to open the hives to break big club is to get the honey, the use Nimba Mountain (Guinea) chimpanzees splitter wooden wedges stabilization and stone anvils to crack and hack Treculia fruit, using all crumpled leaves as sponges to absorb water from tree holes). In fact, they were tools for over 4300 years, based on a discovery of stone tools (likeIn order sizes and tools used by modern chimpanzees) ate nuts to crack (in collaboration with modern species of chimpanzee) in Tai National Park, Côte d'Ivoire used. In addition, sick or injured chimps often rely on medicines or medicinal plants as remedies for healing and / or to relieve their pain and suffering.

Use with analog instruments, chimpanzees can reason and solve problems. Through the use of abstract thought, how people can solve problems without training (egRetrieve bananas that are beyond the reach targeted by the logic).

When it comes to mathematics, in particular we remember the numbers, the young university students chimpanzees (if the numbers on a screen of a second for.4 versus.7 the second, although both were relatively executed) and exceeded the standard British Ben Pridmore memory. Based on I am the champion! Ape trounce the best of the human world in memory competition (Fiona Macrae, Mail Online, January 26, 2008), Amyumu to 7 yearsmale chimpanzee in Japan carried out three times, and Pridmore, when it came to remember the location of numbers on a computer screen.

IX. Art and Culture:

If it were the right tools (such as paint, brushes and canvas) chimpanzees possess the talent, an extraordinary artist whose abstract paintings rivals some of the samples. Congo (1954-1964), a male chimpanzee painted more than 400 abstracts from the age of 2 to 4 years after harvest, a pencil and draw a linewithout human urges. During the auction in 2005, three paintings by Congo went for £ 14,400, while a painting by Andy Warhol (1928-1987) and a small sculpture by French master Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1841-1919) has created a lack of interest and were withdrawn. [2] Since the Congo, have been following the chimpanzees, making works just as impressive (for example, a female chimpanzee, Melody, creates images that sell for between $ 1,000 and $ 7,500 for individuals and three large triptychsyears, chimpanzees, Asuka has about 90 paintings, some of which have been exhibited in galleries in Tokyo has created).

Chimpanzees have an innate ability to recognize and listen to music. Based on scientific studies with a baby chimpanzee (the BBC reported July 30, 2009), which, like humans, prefer consonant to the dissonant music. In addition, when music was played to make the spirits of chimpanzees in the elevator Zoo Mysore in southern India, one who had previously resided in a circus,observed there was dancing.

Chimpanzees also have preferences for television. With Kate Baker, enrichment coordinator at the regional level Yerkes Primate Center, Atlanta, GA, as said unnecessary Hazy Future Lab Chimps (David Berreby, the New York Times, 4 February 1997) do enjoy National Geographic shows, programs, chimpanzees, and the use of tools and shows to discuss with people.

X Altruism / moral

Chimpanzees and other apes have a sense ofMorality and fairness, despite the barbaric acts during combat. Monkeys and apes between right and wrong, say scientists (Daily Mail Reporter, February 15, 2009), offer "selfless help and compassion for other animals in need [and] even seem to consciousness and the ability to create a feeling a sense of obligation. "Consistent with this empathy and altruism, female chimpanzees mirror of human behavior, play a crucial role in mediating conflicts, when two male fightersresolve their differences, females often have to intervene and remove the stones from their hands – is likely to strengthen their communities, to bring division and discord weakness and vulnerability.

From Emory University, Atlanta, GA studies, chimpanzees also expect a reward equal for the same job (which sulking and refused to participate further if others have received major awards), which suggests a sense of justice and fairness. Also, they were often willing to help others(Including humans), although there is no reward.

If a community is different from chimpanzees of the code of social conduct is punished by the group together (as a group of chimpanzees at the Arnhem Zoo in the Netherlands showed that punishes the chimpanzees who showed up late for dinner, because no one ate until when all were present).

Moreover, as with humans, chimpanzees can remember who preferred (for example, have treated) and who was wrong. They are more likely to shareDinner with the former. Similarly, chimpanzees have the capacity to forgive, as in a passage from the book by Frans de Waal describes peacemaking among primates (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1990) – "Nikki, the group's leader, has slapped a little Hennie. Hennie temporary office, a young adult female of nine years, sits next to a little 'feeling with the hand position on the back of the neck, where he met Nikkie seem to forget the incident;. enables themGrass and stared into the distance. More than 15 minutes later, Hennie rises slowly and goes directly to a group that includes Nikkie … [It] is approaching with a series of grunts Nikkie soft pants. Then he reached out to offer the back of the hand for a kiss Nikki. Nikkie kiss is to take over all Hennie rather unceremoniously into his mouth. This contact is followed by a mouth-to-mouth kiss. "

In addition, chimpanzees have the ability to perform selflesslyeffective, although the majority of cases in which another is actively seeking help are limited. Examples are as follows:

1 When Knuckles, in 1999 with cerebral palsy, a debilitating illness (which the children suffer from 5.000 to 10.000 per year in the United States) sit with reduced mobility was born (before therapy, and instead would only eat if fed), is been introduced to other chimps housed in the Center for Great Apes, Wauchula, FL, and a sanctuary for chimpanzees, orangutans, have deliberatelyState. He treated it with gentleness and meekness constantly (for example, a lot of time to sit down with him to play with him, and products for body care for him).

Find two scientists beginning of morality in primate behavior by Nicholas Wade (The New York Times, March 20, 2007), "chimpanzees can not swim, are in the zoo moats trying to save others drowned," and often "to the console losers "after a fight between two fighters.

3 A study conducted by Felix Warneken and his colleagues at the Max PlanckInstitute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany 27 (Genuine Altruism may Chimps Nora Schultz-AD) was published in the June 2007 issue of New Scientist has found that 67% of semi-wild chimpanzees altruistic stranger who had struggled to reach a support staff, even if they give a 2 ½-foot climbing rope was unrewarded. He also taught a different group of chimpanzees to open a door and a chain unpeg always the case for chimpanzees haveNot if they tried to open the door without success.

4 A study by Japanese researchers at Kyoto University Primate Research Institute (Kyoto, Japan) National Geographic (published Chimps display human-like Goodwill, October 19, 2009) found that chimpanzees trained to use sticks straws (drinking juice ), that have been made to recover, used their training to meet the others who were not prepared to attend 75% of the time, if these chimpanzees, who, Did not appear to require assistance.

XI. Warfare:

In accordance with human behavior, the chimpanzees (with the exception of bonobos) and can be fiercely territorial war, if committed to combat and primitive analogy to prehistoric man. Although chimps can use stones or their hands and feet in a fight before the day with spears and other crude weapons to not be far away. When isolated chimp also showed the same trends as the people hate, rape,Torture, mutilation and genocide (as documented in two cases, certificates).

Chimpanzees longest war – the war of Gombe (1974-1977), that if the community was Kasekela into two groups (with the new group, the community Kahama, entering a new valley in 1972) split and ended Jane Goodall showed genocide documented in chimpanzees of Gombe (Belknap Press, 1986). Since 1974, a group of males in the region and advanced Kasekela Kahama. There, he ledto kill the violent assault against Kahama chimpanzees with the intention, as physical attacks will not stop until their victim completely incapacitated, and have been mortally wounded. During the attack, which lasted in 1977, showed that males Kasekela "considerable excitement and joy," as the acquisition and anticipates active killing (which have been mutilated and eaten or partially eaten cannibals) their victims . The war ended only when the Gombe community was completely Kahamaexterminated and their land taken over the community Kasekela.

From Wired for war? (Science World, February 2005), in August 1998 "Researchers in Uganda [observed] a group of male chimpanzees in the body stiffly beaten and just killed another male chimpanzee. His trachea, nails, [nails], and testes. Torn "Monkeys With War … It is in our genes? chimpanzee deaths was "active [also] covered 30 or 40 stab wounds and cuts [with] ribsfrom the chest. "Based on the wounds of the deceased, was" clear that some of the men who had pushed him, while the other attacked. "

In general, when chimpanzees engage in war, a group of men sneaking into the territory of another municipality and looking at the isolated males or older women (and sometimes even their young) to attack. According to human hunter-gatherer societies (of which the war is endemic, with 64% participation in battles every two years for monkeys of war … it's in our genes?)Chimpanzees often fight over resources such as food and women – often exploiting and plundering the conquered territory. Ironically, human activities like logging, as in 13th May 1997 issue of The New York Times, forcing a contribution to the war that have taken away their habitat chimpanzee communities in the territory of the other retirement communities.

XII. Laboratory research and ethics:

With compelling evidence that chimpanzees and other primates aresentient beings (to improve the adaptability and survival) have human characteristics (eg, emotions such as stress and anxiety), similar to the nervous system (which you may feel the same pain and suffering qualitative), and more than 90% of the same genetic code, ethical factors that determine the research laboratory that uses violence as non-consenting subjects prohibited, especially as these experiments showed little or no tangible benefit.

A review of 749 publishedExperiments with chimpanzees for more than ten years from 1995-2004, as set out in the Chimpanzee experiments: questionable contributions to biomedical progress by Andrew Knight (AATEX, 6 th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Experimentation, Life Sciences, Tokyo, Japan, 21 to 25 August 2007) revealed that only 14.7% of tests are used and "well-developed methods for combating human diseases," in particular "no study chimpanzees made a significant contribution, or in most cases, a clearContribution of any kind ".

Non-human primates in medical research: Sensible or dispensed by Jarrod Bailey, Ph.D. (September 2006), "all areas of the [non-human primates (NPH)] research provides evidence against his benefit," scientific knowledge based on the following points:

1 NHPs do not suffer from AIDS if they become infected with HIV, the experimental results obtained from security to the people [and] NHP approved vaccines in humans [extrapolated despite billions of dollarsExpenses].

2 NHP experiments have failed to [understand] a contribution to the hepatitis virus (HPV), [create vaccines] to understand and damage to liver cells.

3 NHP models have failed to inform us of the pathology of Alzheimer's [because they do not get Alzheimer's disease].

4 are fundamental differences in symptoms and pathology of Parkinson's disease is between humans and NHPs.

5 Found about 150 drugs used for animals in convulsions of success (often NHPs) havesuccess in humans.

6 Hormone replacement therapy found effective against heart disease and stroke in NHPs may increase the risk in humans.

7 There are significant differences in viral infections and diseases between humans and NHPs.

8 gene expression when (for example, are involved in 20 of 333 genes in human cancer NHPs vary) speaks of disease, is common to vary with only 20% of the proteins of humans and NHPs found.

Although research onChimpanzees and other apes is banned in many countries, is still performed in the United States, despite the security measures according to law chimpanzees improve health care and protection.

Perhaps the most convincing argument for the ban on the use of chimpanzees as guinea pigs in a laboratory study that the survival of chimpanzees in the laboratory similar phases of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) (which can be found may persist for a long time and suffered symptoms of which include,not anger, anxiety, depression, anxiety, etc.) is limited as human victims of torture. Lab chimps limited (often kept in a cage, isolated, unpredictable environments, over which they have no control on hold) are self-mutilation because of severe physical and mental suffering, they are forced to endure active. From undercover investigations, leading to chimpanzees Cruelty Research Laboratory (The Humane Society of the United States, March 4, 2009), "the cry of a monkey, as forcibly removed from theirMothers … Chimpanzees show intense fear … when constrained in the direction of [ago] in their cages Press [and even a chimpanzee siafu] trying to move to discuss with the staff [with] oil begging gestures. "

If the British government banned the use of chimpanzees for research in 1986, says Steve Connor, science editor for The Independent in the guide chimpanzee research, say scientists (March 27, 2001), cited as "a moral issue. 'S problems cognitive and behavioral [sic]Functions and features of these animals say it is immoral to treat them as expendable for research. "No wonder the European Union to ban the use of chimpanzees in motion laboratory.

By Connor, "the development of new techniques of genetic engineering, which allows many" models "are of human diseases, which are [GM] with rats and mice should be the case for use of chimpanzees in medical research has undermined," as the 'high cost in dollars,Pain and suffering and ethics.

XIII. Earlier in the direction of species-International Human Rights:

As calls for a ban of chimpanzees for research expands to include governments and courts have also prior to their special status primarily because of their self-awareness and the ability of themselves within the physical and spiritual, a more complex level of thought abstract thinking illustrate detect found mainly in people.

In 1986, the United Kingdom, the firstField experiments on chimpanzees and other primates ban. Parliament of New Zealand in 1999, followed by treatment with the Netherlands and Australia, in the years 2002 and 2003.

In September 2005, inaugurated in Bahia, Brazil court by Judge Edmundo Lucio da Cruz protection of habeas corpus to a 23-year-old chimpanzee, Suica granted so that he could of captivity in a zoo cage with little mental stimulation sent to a sanctuary, where they couldenjoy a social life (with 35 other chimpanzees), the possibility of starting a family, and open spaces. And 'that has never been Suica died suddenly in the sanctuary with the first animal recognized as a legal person.

In June 2008 the Spanish Parliament approved a resolution provides a precedent for human rights, chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas and orangutans, which says that these non-human hominids should have the right to life, liberty, and enjoy their physicalIntegrity will be protected against torture.

In December 2009, when the University World News (December 20, 2009), reported "a ban on the use of great apes such as chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas and orangutans scientific evidence [was] accepted by and large" by Parliament Parliament and EU Council of Ministers subject to slight changes in the text for final approval.

XIV Conclusion:

Based on the remarkable cognitive abilities of chimpanzees, the fact that they are particularly closeApproaching the man and the scientific evidence accumulates, it is essential that they and other sentient beings (such as apes, dolphins) to recognize their special status of protection for granted – that the prisoners used only for the types of received . If the prisoner is required, it is essential that the intellectual stimulation and respect they deserve, their individuality is appreciated and, above all, the laws passed prohibiting their use, is granted as non-consenting GuineaPigs subjected to unnecessary torture, pain and suffering.


[1] T. Matsuno and M. Tomonaga. An advantage for concavities form the perception of chimpanzees. (Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan. March 3, 2007).

[2] chimpanzees as an artist. Artist ezine. December 29, 2009. http://www.artistsezine.com/WhyChimp.htm

Additional Reference:

Chimpanzees. Global Action Network. (Montreal, Canada. 2005). December 262009 http://www.gan.ca/animals/chimpanzees.en.html

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 28 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Camping Checklist for Forgetful Campers

Camping Checklist for Forgetful Campers

Camping Checklist for Forgetful Campers

Posted: 27 Jul 2011 10:22 PM PDT


Reservation information camping.

How to get to the campsite itself.

Packaging – food on the floor (you need other items first)

Backpack, backpack and / or fanny pack

Bags – Tent bag, shopping bag, etc.

Cardboard, if necessary



5 gallon bucket or similar container

Large (18-30 gal) Rubbermaid ™ container for food storage

Lighting – Battery Rates!

Maglight – The largest,best

Gas lantern (and / or electric)

BIC Lighter

Matches (preferably waterproof)

Spare batteries and bulbs

Lantern mantles and fuel reserves

Solar Panel

Glow Sticks

Battery Free Torch Bulbless

Shelter / Bedding

Sleeping bag

Rescue Blanket

Rug – Tarp for big tents

Mats (use at tent)

Mattress or pad – Inflator for air mattress



Seam Sealer

Camp Axe, orHammer tent stakes pounds

Shade Canopy & Rope & Stakes

Emergency blaket (found at Walmart)

Tikki torches (please include citronella oil), also listed in the medical industry.

Rain Covers in the head (not just shadows).

Bales of hay (dried mud and dissemination areas).

10-12 inch nails from hardware store tent poles for emergency

Tealights to mark where the tent stakes

No sign that said spark plugs in a tent!


EpiPen if youAllergies

Sun protection

Bug repellent – spray citronella candles, etc.

Tylenol, Advil, aspirin, Naproxin


Antibiotic creams

Tweezers for splinters and ticks

Antiseptic, band aids and bandages

First aid kit (all the above points can)

Benadryl Sinus Tablets

Allergy Eye Drops


Campho-phenique (good for minor burns, cuts, abrasions, and many use it to

Poison Ivy)

Wet wipes (for cleaningWounds, and early uses poison ivy)

Additional weeks for delivery of prescriptions

Box of latex gloves (100)

Cleaning and personal items


Hand Sanitizer (waterless)



Toothpaste and toothbrush

Comb / hair brush / clips / bands / hair ties

Make-up bag

Razor and shaving cream


Toilet paper

To save space, roll the toilet paper and dice and put in the tube

Brush to cleanTable and tent space


Contact lens supplies

Provides women

Detergent and rubber gloves

Dish Rack

Detergent (preferably biodegradable)


List of important phone numbers

Spare car / truck / boat / RV Key

Small shovel

Swiss Army Knife

Compass and Map

Polo and fishing gear (+ license & bait!)

Tape and / or tape

Safety pins

Repair Kit

Mobilew / extra battery and car adapter

Two-way radio (s) (ham, CB, Family)

Camera w / good battery and more films

Camcorder w / good battery and extra tapes

Radio and / or TV

Weather Radio

Crankup Radio

Books (ID books, Little House), cards, games, toys, Bible, etc.

Card Table

Money, credit cards, ID

Tool Pocket

Guitar / harmonica / Other musical instrument (s)

Bike / Seats / Helmets





Travel Alarm Clock

Clothesline and clothespins

Basic tools (screwdrivers, pliers, etc.)

Pieces of copper pipe for the fire see note

Rope or string

Leather Strip

Heavy rubber bands

Canoe or boat

Life Jackets

Piece of carpeting (fake grass) for tent or RV entranceway

Pet Food

Glasses strap (to keep him on the head)

Fire starters (found in Asian sections of stores) of wax and sawdust

SteelWool (can be used to light a fire by touching the ends of the battery to start it – beware!)



Pads of paper and pencils / pens

Milk crates (great for storage, stairs and more)

Fly Swatters



Ear plugs (to block the noisy neighbors)




Jacket – As weather dictates; Eskimo-style, waterproof, jacket, etc.

Poncho – Doubles as an emergencyTent / shelter

Pants / Overalls, with belt

Underwear – 2

Shirt – 2 or 3 (one light, one flannel)

Shoes, slippers, walking shoes

Socks – 2 pairs

Work gloves and warm gloves / gloves




Sulfer – continues chiggers off your clothes


Stove and light fuel

Newspapers for lighting a campfire

Firestarter sticks (wax / sawdust stuff at the supermarket)


Charcoalor wood for BBQ & Grill

Frying Pan – Non-stick w / plastic spatula is nice

Cooking skewers (for hot dogs, s'mores, etc.)

Pot – large enough to cook spaghetti for everyone, with cover

Dutch Oven

Can opener – When you purchase goods in cans

P-38 can opener (military-type, small, flat and fits in the portfolio)



Coffee and filters

Pot lifter and / or pot holders


Stew Pot


Sandwich makers (kind of burned)


Chopping board


Veggie Peeler



Plate – Partition tray / plate is nice

Folding Camping / Hiking cup

Aladdin travel mug

Kitchen knife – Nice to have, in general, carry a pocket knife

Small bowl

Knives, forks, spoons, spatulas

Small flat blade screwdriver and Phillips

Scrub Pad

Dish Pan

Tupperware (toSurpluses)


Paper towels and napkins

Garbage bags

Garbage bags (stronger than regular trash bags)

Paper plates, cups, bowls, etc.

Plastic knives, forks, spoons

Bags ziplock bags

Aluminum foil

Dishwashing detergent


At least 1 / 2 liters per person / day – Water filter, if the natural water sources

Bottle of water to carry while hiking

Garden hose

Food and beverage

Pancake Mix – Krusteaze, 1 / 2 cupper person per day (need large skillet)

Cooking Oil – About 1 oz per person per day or Pam spray

Syrup – About 2 ounces a day per person

Butter – 1 / 2 stick per person per day

Malt-o-Meal or Cream of … {Wheat, rice, …}

Oatmeal – Instant single-serve

Potatoes – 1-2 per person per day – freeze dried if the package

Bacon – 2 slices per person per day

Eggs – 1-2 per person per day, fresh or powdered

Noodles – Spaghetti, Angel Hair, Ramen,or mussels

Spaghetti Sauce – In jars or dehydrated


Bouillon cubes – Chicken & Vegetables

Packages of rice

Soup / Chili – mix or cans

Tuna – Do not forget, mayonnaise, cucumbers and onions

Onions, lemons, mushrooms, tomatoes

Bread – One or two loaves per day if camping with a small group

Dry spices – salt, pepper, spices, sugar



Mayo – jar or spray bottle

Cheese – Cheddar, Swiss,American

Fruit – Small fruit cups or fresh fruit

Veggies – carrot / celery sticks daily

Taco Stuff – (meat, package of spices, olives, salad, tortillas, bread)

Hamburger meat (pre seasoned and ready to cook)

Frozen french fries in the bag

Cocoa, coffee, tea (no sugar!)

Marshmallows, Graham Crackers & Hershey Bars (S'mores)

Peanut Butter & Jelly

Sliced ​​Deli Meat: Turkey, ham, salami

Hot Dogs & buns

Milk,Fruit juice, soft drinks, Ice Tea, Lemon Ade, Kool-Aid


Lil Smokies


Burgers and sandwiches



Corn Cob on


Nutri Grain bars / cereal bars

Fixin to stew (some of the items above)


Jiffy Pop or Regular popcorn

Popcorn Oil

Oil spray (like Pam)

Squeeze butter or margarine


Camping with children

Recent photographs of the children if they getlost


Swim Diapers


Bottles / sippycups

Play Yards

Jogging stroller

Backpack Carriers

Many sets of clothes

Extra-pair (s) of shoes


Food jar

Gerber baby food



Favorite blanket or stuffed animal (very important!)

Powdered milk (for children over the formula)



Baby Hammock

Baby Swings


Sun protection

Portapotty shopping bag liner (easy cleaning)

วันพุธที่ 27 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Home Office – Designing for the senses

Home Office – Designing for the senses

Home Office – Designing for the senses

Posted: 26 Jul 2011 09:40 PM PDT

When designing your home office for maximum productivity and success, it is important that you consider each of your five senses. Approaching your project in a comprehensive manner, it will move more efficient and ensuring a positive reaction by all those who interact in the room. Everyone learns in different ways, some of our images, other auditory and kinesthetic others, designing for the senses, to design truly universal.

Sight Seeing businessTake off

The magic of color. Use corporate colors to best advantage. Strengthen your brand with the colors you have selected. Whether it's a wall accent or a blow from your logo on the wall, or perhaps with your logo on your office chair, all the ways to enhance the image of your brand and remind you of your attention is appreciated. (This is similar to choosing a screen saver with your logo or web site.)

Psychology of color sold! Consider the psychology of color in the selection.Soon red heart beat faster, and you eat more money, more and forget all the time in the presence of red. Orange is the great equalizer is the social and economic accessibility (eg Home Depot). Yellow spores memory (legal pads), may suggest caution is generally regarded as sunny and cheerful, and it works effectively in areas with little or no natural light. It offers the illusion of sunshine. Blue promotes confidence and a general feeling of calm. Green signifies growth and renewal andis the "color of money". Purple represents royalty and often, depending on the season of religion, but it is also a popular color such creative and relieve insomnia (ie encourages daydreams). Brown is generally regarded as conservative and reliable (United Parcel Service). White shows independence and prosperity (afford to keep clean!). Black can be very elegant and chic, but also show their hands off (look do not touch) and will be used sparingly.

Light is energy, it hasenough? Among the various types of light, natural or artificial (incandescent, fluorescent, halogen), preferably natural and optimal two directions. Torchiere lamps (lights designed to be placed in the corners) is usually based halogen with dimmer convenient and better if placed in dark corners where the light reflected from the ceiling and illuminate the room.

Knowing the basics of art. It 'important for images that improves the working environment and check if customersvisit, the appropriate image. (That is, if a travel agent, then the images of exotic destinations, when a financial adviser, then the images of Wall Street, the graphs of stock trends, the images of companies on the stock exchange.

His office is in equilibrium? You need a mix of angular, hard-edged shapes and soft curves. For example, if a rectangular table is used to hold a round table.

Understanding the composition of the office. Because everything is placed makes a difference, there is a visualCohesion? If a unit is clearly used in the structure surfaces and the arrangement of functional and effective?

Sound: Hearing the sounds of productivity

Banish noise. And 'difficult if not impossible, to work successfully with the distractions of noise, whether it be on the mower, dogs barking, children playing, or a stereo system above the elbow.

The white noise is essential. Determine the preferred background music sounds like (style?), Talk Radio, TV, water games,or just quiet. Integrating a radio or stereo system in the design, or perhaps a water feature, like a fountain table.

Taste: feasting on the fruits of your labor

Quench your thirst. Even if only for a water cooler. The idea of ​​clean, fresh, clear water in a glass (not paper cups people!) Transparent and able to lift a state of mind. Add a mini-fridge, if there's room to alleviate these excursions into the kitchen, and will be visiting all the major suppliers or employeesdeserves a break. Keep it well stocked with favorite beverages. In cooler climates can be a real benefit coffee maker and personal wake-therapy!

Keep the munchies at bay. Use a cup of colored glass cake or a tray of fruit for a snack. It also adds the invitation to have something to offer to customers or clients.

Touch: Feel goals at hand

Make to the touch. Add items to your sense of touch touch please -Leather, wood, stone, cashmere, wool, chenille, cane, wicker, sisal.

Mix Juxtapose hard smooth surfaces with softer elements. Do not forget, visual textures, such as models and plants. Layer and combine for maximum effect.

Smell: Scents of Success

Aromatherapy is a big business these days to figure out what triggers your creativity and increases energy to experience a variety of scents (lavender, pine, citrus, sandalwood, etc.) notoverwhelming or too flowery to be effective. Sometimes the addition of a citrus fruit or herb that is sufficient in a decorative vase, allow you to take your office with the energy and the invitation.

Keep it fresh! Avoid bad odors such as musty, old gym shoes, day-old Chinese snack, and so on. Keep an odorless and fresh. Perfume can also be used as a signature for your business. If you are cooking in a home business, nothing beats the scent of heavenly fresh baked cookies, often used to sellCase!

Once you have adequately addressed the senses in your office environment, to find success soon follows.

วันจันทร์ที่ 25 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

1960 retro style decorative elements

1960 retro style decorative elements

1960 retro style decorative elements

Posted: 25 Jul 2011 07:00 PM PDT

The sixties were a time of enormous change, both technological and social. The space race was, and American culture was about Sputnik, the Cold War and jet aircraft, which focuses on the situation, people were faster than ever before transport.

The American culture is also a younger generation takes care in line with traditions rooted was. This rebellion had enormous influence on the decoration of fashion, music and home. Everything was more dynamic, graphic and colorful.London was also a significant influence on design and trends, especially with their most famous export, The Beatles. In 1964, the first club was opened in Los Angeles and quickly caught on across the country. The high-tech metal and mirrored disco influenced house and interior design for office. At the opposite end of the spectrum, the hippie culture made a trip to India and Morocco, the appearance of "ethnic". The words "peace" and "Love" were everywhere and symbols as seenThe mantra of a generation. Life in the 60s to express themselves and living culture focused only place for people to make their individual statements.

The elements of 1960 were established:

The colors are inspired by nature. Green, gold, orange and yellow were popular and had everything from clothing, furniture and even cars to find. But in 60 colors have been pumped up in bright colors. Psychedelic colors played each other for maximum effect. Combinations asfuchsia and mandarin orange were alongside places. Vinyl wallpaper used light and metal. Contrasts in black and white were popular. The desired effect was the maximum effect to create a look surprising and provocative.

Tie-dye fabrics, psychedelic, paisley and floral designs were popular. The tissues most colorful, the better, as seen with large, stylized flowers and brighter colors than ever. Neon colors creates a very modern look. The hippie lookmade up of ethnic Indian prints and fabrics of cotton. Indian saris are used as pillows, curtains and upholstery.

Flat pack furniture, "S" pod-shaped chairs and space age materials and forms have the look. The furniture was made ​​of metal, glass, wood and PVC, and sometimes combinations of these. The new mobile technologies can be formed in plastic and organic forms, or the space age. Many of the furniture has been designed toDisposable and temporary. Open shelves in the Danish style has often been used as a divider. The styles are very funny and witty as a whole. The houses were built now with casual family rooms or caves, as well as just a formal living room. The TV has become the center of the family room. TV trays were designed was able to eat dinner, where the family comes together on TV.

One of the popular trends of the 60 floor had carpet shag. Alsocolorful patterned carpets and rugs made in India and Morocco. No-wax vinyl flooring came into vogue to replace the linoleum difficult to treat.

Decor Accessories
Accessories were decorated with popular design elements such as Siamese cats, mushrooms, chickens, owls, and daisies. Copper and other metals have been very popular. Pop art from comic books and popular culture (think of Andy Warhol and his "Campbell Soup" painting) inspired. The modern art with geometric shapes and bright colorsDecorated homes, like psychedelic prints and Op Art This has been called a "mod". Posters to decorate an accepted and convenient. Lighting was interesting with lava lamps and fiber optics. The hippie look, a contrast with the modern techno-style set, with softer colors and ethnic grounds. Hanging beads and leather adds edge to the hippie look.

New Technologies
Transatlantic satellites for television, which allows contributing in Europe (especially GreatGreat Britain) influence on American culture. Lucite and colored plastics have been used for furniture and home accessories. Tupperware, although he had been since 1946, was home nearly all and was in for a range of colors available. There was an emphasis on entertainment, and a range of kitchen appliances have been created to meetings easier and more comfortable. Some of these devices include coffee makers, electric frying pans, toasters and fondue pots. Electric stoves weresince 1882, but were still much more popular in the kitchen in 1960.

Total Look
The overall impression of the '60s was clean and open. Modern Abstract Expressionism and began to take hold in 1960. The traditional story has been accepted and celebrated the new trends and perspectives. Design was by provoking emotions and reactions. In addition, minimalism, as a form of modern minimalist design, just the most important elements. In contrast, the "FlowerMovements of power "and hippies were more decorative and ethnic in nature.

1960 retro style decorative elements

Posted: 24 Jul 2011 06:40 PM PDT

The sixties were a time of enormous change, both technological and social. The space race was, and American culture was about Sputnik, the Cold War and jet aircraft, which focuses on the situation, people were faster than ever before transport.

The American culture is also a younger generation takes care in line with traditions rooted was. This rebellion had enormous influence on the decoration of fashion, music and home. Everything was more dynamic, graphic and colorful.London was also a significant influence on design and trends, especially with their most famous export, The Beatles. In 1964, the first club was opened in Los Angeles and quickly caught on across the country. The high-tech metal and mirrored disco influenced house and interior design for office. At the opposite end of the spectrum, the hippie culture made a trip to India and Morocco, the appearance of "ethnic". The words "peace" and "Love" were everywhere and symbols as seenThe mantra of a generation. Life in the 60s to express themselves and living culture focused only place for people to make their individual statements.

The elements of 1960 were established:

The colors are inspired by nature. Green, gold, orange and yellow were popular and had everything from clothing, furniture and even cars to find. But in 60 colors have been pumped up in bright colors. Psychedelic colors played each other for maximum effect. Combinations asfuchsia and mandarin orange were alongside places. Vinyl wallpaper used light and metal. Contrasts in black and white were popular. The desired effect was the maximum effect to create a look surprising and provocative.

Tie-dye fabrics, psychedelic, paisley and floral designs were popular. The tissues most colorful, the better, as seen with large, stylized flowers and brighter colors than ever. Neon colors creates a very modern look. The hippie lookmade up of ethnic Indian prints and fabrics of cotton. Indian saris are used as pillows, curtains and upholstery.

Flat pack furniture, "S" pod-shaped chairs and space age materials and forms have the look. The furniture was made ​​of metal, glass, wood and PVC, and sometimes combinations of these. The new mobile technologies can be formed in plastic and organic forms, or the space age. Many of the furniture has been designed toDisposable and temporary. Open shelves in the Danish style has often been used as a divider. The styles are very funny and witty as a whole. The houses were built now with casual family rooms or caves, as well as just a formal living room. The TV has become the center of the family room. TV trays were designed was able to eat dinner, where the family comes together on TV.

One of the popular trends of the 60 floor had carpet shag. Alsocolorful patterned carpets and rugs made in India and Morocco. No-wax vinyl flooring came into vogue to replace the linoleum difficult to treat.

Decor Accessories
Accessories were decorated with popular design elements such as Siamese cats, mushrooms, chickens, owls, and daisies. Copper and other metals have been very popular. Pop art from comic books and popular culture (think of Andy Warhol and his "Campbell Soup" painting) inspired. The modern art with geometric shapes and bright colorsDecorated homes, like psychedelic prints and Op Art This has been called a "mod". Posters to decorate an accepted and convenient. Lighting was interesting with lava lamps and fiber optics. The hippie look, a contrast with the modern techno-style set, with softer colors and ethnic grounds. Hanging beads and leather adds edge to the hippie look.

New Technologies
Transatlantic satellites for television, which allows contributing in Europe (especially GreatGreat Britain) influence on American culture. Lucite and colored plastics have been used for furniture and home accessories. Tupperware, although he had been since 1946, was home nearly all and was in for a range of colors available. There was an emphasis on entertainment, and a range of kitchen appliances have been created to meetings easier and more comfortable. Some of these devices include coffee makers, electric frying pans, toasters and fondue pots. Electric stoves weresince 1882, but were still much more popular in the kitchen in 1960.

Total Look
The overall impression of the '60s was clean and open. Modern Abstract Expressionism and began to take hold in 1960. The traditional story has been accepted and celebrated the new trends and perspectives. Design was by provoking emotions and reactions. In addition, minimalism, as a form of modern minimalist design, just the most important elements. In contrast, the "FlowerMovements of power "and hippies were more decorative and ethnic in nature.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 24 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Abstract: Because Ottoman Trays Way better than ordinary tables

Abstract: Because Ottoman Trays Way better than ordinary tables

Abstract: Because Ottoman Trays Way better than ordinary tables

Posted: 23 Jul 2011 04:40 PM PDT

Ordinary tables are quickly in the past, because only as a simple table and nothing else. If you're in the market scouting around for a table, you should reconsider and look at other alternatives, such as the Ottoman trade option. If you put these two options page, so you realize that this new option much better job table in terms of features alone. Maybe you can think of nothingYou could use the new to do. If this is the case, this article is for you to emphasize the benefits of options Ottoman Empire, and why you should opt for this solution, rather than buy a simple coffee table.

First, let me introduce you to what the person really is. This article is pretty much a serving tray, which is built in the Ottoman Empire, something that is usually obtained by pillows with removable roof. If you turn it around, you would be ablesee a flat bottom used to be able not only to keep food, but also to bring elements of the kitchen and back. It would also be a concrete space for storage and helps you plan your books, newspapers, magazines and even remote controls may be useful, is not it?

If you do a regular table, which can be made ​​of wood, glass or marble, you do not want to rest your legs on him. But if you have a tray ottoman, may actually act as a footrest asAnd 'comfortable and soft! This alone should be reason enough to opt for a tray ottoman instead of a traditional coffee table. These subjects also better all the other tables in terms of space, because they have much storage space in itself, and the usual coffee-serving tables do not compare with the amount of storage space, to provide the Ottoman subjects. It could easily save and covered several subjects in countless magazines and books,In contrast to the table, with little space.

Ottoman coffee table with a concept, based simply sit room, if you forget to organize parties at home, as automatically serve as a seat. You can actually use this item to sit on them, because the dishes can easily serve as another chain at home, if there is a need. I do not think that someone sat on a wooden table or a glass, because it is inconvenientand secondly, it can be dangerous (especially if you have a glass table).

With so many advantages in itself, if the tray ottoman, if the natural choice for a coffee table, looking not only serve as a communal table, but can also operate in many other ways. Remember to scout for the best dish on the ottoman lowest price before making a purchase, visit a couple of shops and the best piece of furniture for your home!

วันศุกร์ที่ 22 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Find free woodworking project plans woodworking free lessons Out Without Your Email

Find free woodworking project plans woodworking free lessons Out Without Your Email

Find free woodworking project plans woodworking free lessons Out Without Your Email

Posted: 22 Jul 2011 06:40 AM PDT

Most woodworkers (including myself) find ideas for the next project in a search for free wood project plans woodworking on the web. I'm sure the only reason you're reading this article just now that he had met while planning your free search.

Let me go straight to the point. I have a great site with a project without wood floors found. I like this site is not free wink plans with a focus on site to sell, 14,000Project provides. In fact, there are free pamphlets with instructions on how to free end of the project, with no simple solutions in the areas of your home in the kitchen.

"So Bozo will close on me and tell me the name of the site now!"

Ok, the site I'm talking about wood floors minwax.com. The reason why I like minwax.com is more than two dozen plans free woodworking project in pdf format with immediate free download. There are also forms to fill, pleaseYour personal information. You can follow the schedule for the project you are interested in and click on it and open it on your computer, no questions asked.

The projects cover a wide range of free wood projects. For example, the category Accessories for floor plans offering free wood project for nesting wood trays, a Shaker-style hangers and medium, and a craft table lamp . Other project partners include the categories of free furniture projects, including free outdoor plansPlans and instructions for the construction of a swing, a garden bench and a planter. The category of storage project plans include stackable shelves, a kitchen shelf maple and a CD holder.

The last category is the free project formed with children in mind. The projects include an airplane, vintage, hockey board game, a game of football and finally a project free baseball hat rack. This project is made for the carpenter start young in mind. The project aims to introduce varioustechnical skills such as measuring, making square cuts and curved cuts. This free project plan makes the novice carpenter with the router.

This project involves the collection of free woodworking plans for woodworking with varying degrees of difficulty. The plans for the carpenter to start a tray of the country's flag, a nail carved rack, fishing rod rack up the clear coat and Shaker-style and the center rack.

Intermediate project plans include wood, wood-freeProjects for the furniture as a table, a pine New England chest, coffee table and a traditional library. Other medium-sized projects are planning a patio planter, a rack sliding folding and schedule a free TV / VCR cabinet with swivel compartment.

The advanced wood workers are not left out either, wood project plans for an advanced woodworkers craft table lamp, floor of an oak pie safes, complimentary snack bar with stools and a project planContemporary roll-top desk plan.

Another reason why I like the plans of free minwax.com These projects are all a free lesson of the wood can be adjusted. The wooden floors of the project include a free lesson in woodworking with step by step instructions with helpful tips, including safety in the shop And since these projects are sponsored by Minwax thrown there is a detailed guide to the application the coat for each project.

Overall, I recommend it to all woodworkers at all skill levelsVisit minwax.com levels. Not only can you find good projects of wood with a free step by step instructions, you will find an excellent source to learn more about the application is complete and there are all kinds of work here for inspiration for your next project. find

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 21 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

1960 retro style decorative elements

1960 retro style decorative elements

1960 retro style decorative elements

Posted: 21 Jul 2011 04:00 AM PDT

The sixties were a time of enormous change, both technological and social. The space race was, and American culture was about Sputnik, the Cold War and jet aircraft, which focuses on the situation, people were faster than ever before transport.

The American culture is also a younger generation takes care in line with traditions rooted was. This rebellion had enormous influence on the decoration of fashion, music and home. Everything was more dynamic, graphic and colorful.London was also a significant influence on design and trends, especially with their most famous export, The Beatles. In 1964, the first club was opened in Los Angeles and quickly caught on across the country. The high-tech metal and mirrored disco influenced house and interior design for office. At the opposite end of the spectrum, the hippie culture made a trip to India and Morocco, the appearance of "ethnic". The words "peace" and "Love" were everywhere and symbols as seenThe mantra of a generation. Life in the 60s to express themselves and living culture focused only place for people to make their individual statements.

The elements of 1960 were established:

The colors are inspired by nature. Green, gold, orange and yellow were popular and had everything from clothing, furniture and even cars to find. But in 60 colors have been pumped up in bright colors. Psychedelic colors played each other for maximum effect. Combinations asFuchsia and mandarin orange were placed side by side. Vinyl wallpaper and bright metal may be used. Contrasts in black and white were popular. The desired effect was to create a maximum effect for a look surprising and provocative.

Tie-dye fabrics, psychedelic, paisley and floral designs were popular. The more colorful the ingredients, the better, as seen with large stylized flowers and brighter colors than ever. Neon colors creates a very modern look. The hippie lookmade up of ethnic Indian prints and fabrics of cotton. Indian saris are used as pillows, curtains and upholstery.

Flat pack furniture, "S" pod-shaped chairs and space age materials and forms have the look. The furniture was made ​​of metal, glass, wood and PVC, and sometimes combinations of these. The new mobile technologies can be formed in plastic and organic forms, or the space age. Many of the furniture has been designed toDisposable and temporary. Open shelves in the Danish style has often been used as a divider. The styles are very funny and witty as a whole. The houses were built now with casual family rooms or caves, as well as just a formal living room. The TV has become the center of the family room. TV trays were designed was able to eat dinner, where the family comes together on TV.

One of the popular trends of the 60 floor had carpet shag. Alsocolorful patterned carpets and rugs made in India and Morocco. No-wax vinyl flooring came into vogue to replace the linoleum difficult to treat.

Decor Accessories
Accessories were decorated with popular design elements such as Siamese cats, mushrooms, chickens, owls, and daisies. Copper and other metals have been very popular. Pop art from comic books and popular culture (think of Andy Warhol and his "Campbell Soup" painting) inspired. The modern art with geometric shapes and bright colorsDecorated homes, like psychedelic prints and Op Art This has been called a "mod". Posters to decorate an accepted and convenient. Lighting was interesting with lava lamps and fiber optics. The hippie look, a contrast with the modern techno-style set, with softer colors and ethnic grounds. Hanging beads and leather adds edge to the hippie look.

New Technologies
Transatlantic satellites for television, which allows contributing in Europe (especially GreatGreat Britain) influence on American culture. Lucite and colored plastics have been used for furniture and home accessories. Tupperware, although he had been since 1946, was home nearly all and was in for a range of colors available. There was an emphasis on entertainment, and a range of kitchen appliances have been created to meetings easier and more comfortable. Some of these devices include coffee makers, electric frying pans, toasters and fondue pots. Electric stoves weresince 1882, but were still much more popular in the kitchen in 1960.

Total Look
The overall impression of the '60s was clean and open. Modern Abstract Expressionism and began to take hold in 1960. The traditional story has been accepted and celebrated the new trends and perspectives. Design was by provoking emotions and reactions. In addition, minimalism, as a form of modern minimalist design, just the most important elements. In contrast, the "FlowerMovements of power "and hippies were more decorative and ethnic in nature.