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Stay Down, Old Abram [Book 2: Chapters: 1-14 "Whatyoumacalitt"]

Stay Down, Old Abram [Book 2: Chapters: 1-14 "Whatyoumacalitt"]

Stay Down, Old Abram [Book 2: Chapters: 1-14 "Whatyoumacalitt"]

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 01:21 AM PDT

It 'was one of those odd days, and it would still happen in the end, before it is finished, a beautiful warm day in the spring of l976 too. Chris got his stripes buck sergeant, then the right time for other tasks, duties of officers required for this Monday sergeant, was assigned to a special order some nuclear waste, consisting of several 25-gallon cans to 69 participate in Ordnance Group, about ninety miles away. Together withTruck driver, a private First Class Presley, and a sergeant with the name of Meeks, his was the second, or backup guard, missed both of them on the back of the five ton truck, the driver in front, and the sun Am Later in the morning, from 69, all three soldiers with guns aimed at his side M16: Locked and Loaded.

Sergeant Wright has never enjoyed his time as security for other purposes, as a guard, or the provision of soldiers to jail or even radioactive waste work -But it is part of the overall duties of the sergeant was, especially as there are other tasks and NCOs so that he liked the idea of ​​a sergeant, and with these expectations, so he took pride in not complaining: it also announced, so many officers with high security areas in the base, which was a prerequisite for the overall responsibility of the activities many requests.

As they drove along the road [Highway], the young sergeant to the east for the suspectsand the West – from the top of the five tons of thread in their car, often the examination of the filter holds 25 twenty galleons of nuclear waste. It seemed to some leaks around the seams of the first two baskets, but they were closer examination.

In 69

Sergeant Wright had the driver stay in the open back of the truck after parking in the vicinity of the 69 Rules of the Group's main canteen, and body while he went to lunch,Was 01.15 clock. He advised the authorities on the grounds that he held the stock to its current location, in the sense of a telephone nearby. And he suggested that staying there and send down a police escort along with additional guards followed the truck for its target site. Meanwhile, only need the table, and the truck would be back within an hour or so, and were on the shoulders of the 545 head. Consequently, the sergeant would bring a packed lunch for theDriver.

When he entered the dining room – to step up and over steps and a comb in the gate – the physique and so following, both disengaged, the wizard and the sergeant, the clip of bullets from the gun M16 magazine, put it in bags on their belt ammunition, the mussels are so she entered the dining room. Now, looking back toward the sun and its heat hitting the truck, it was nice to be out of the sun, for which he was a witness in a conversation with the driverthe military police, as he wiped his forehead. He then gave his gun to the corporal, and in line with other soldiers to get two plates of food. They found a table near the door, as surprising as it seemed pretty packed, because Chris looked around, all tables were taken now, fun, thought, ironically, as his eyes caught this. And then, as he sat with his two subjects, there was a table next to a stranger, it was obvious, evenobvious, or did the stranger it seems, began to walk on the table Chris'.

'I can bother you and ask you a question are: Buck Sergeant ", you ask a stranger, a sergeant, speaking in a Midwestern style with a slow medium tone. Said the sergeant, without hesitation, as Chris nodded his head, his eyes give a signal: "Sure, why not …" said:

"Family, – Have you seen," he repeated for a betterClarification.

Chris has a great aspect, said in a hurry -:

"Whatyoumacallit, (pause), six six … I mean, you look Whatyoumacallit" then it is in the mind, the name came, took him back belched forth: "Chick Evens" said Sergeant Chris Wright.

That said, the call rang loud and clear, you might say along a parallel, were classmates and friends from the neighborhood: [to Chris] not that he hung around with, in itself, but that is behind the Cayuga Road pendingOf course, the area called the police "country donkey", in St. Paul, Minnesota is in the middle of I960. They had a couple of times with a group of people and has recently caused an uproar in the halls of Old Washington High School, from rice and Cook streets. Both were in Vietnam, not together, but it was both there and at different times, the last time they met each other was in boot camp at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, in l969, he wrote, was polishing his boots as Chick Evens Chris cameSay hello to his barracks – in Fort Bragg.

"It gives me, and you're done," Chris said, adding: "The world is small, I would say," as he wiped his mouth that had just eaten spaghetti.

Chris then asked Staff Sergeant Evens, with a gesture, to join them, and pulled up a chair Chick, chick friends because they both noticed what they were talking about. Both old friends have become quite comfortable in a few minutes apart and bothprovided an update report on their lives. Chris knew soldiers often come across old army friends over the years, has had for them in Vietnam, where he had met, or rather, he met a friend who owed him money, $ 2 happens to be exact – but he did not was' t of his condition. In any case, it was not that unusual, especially if they were in the same MOS [military occupation], and both were sergeants in the order field, but the chances of meeting a friend from your hometown and high school,seemed to happen – a long shot, but not least, was how it was. And here the two officers were talking about the old days, people talk about simple things, such as the company has found a ray of pride and a pleasant break in the daily life of the two.



Chris Sat think of his military career, his travels, his home town life – his old friend came to my mind, Evens chicks are also like the sound of a crash and a bang from a room at the end of the barracksCorridor. Chick was a sort of a poet – he said – in his neighborhood, had a kind of singing poet, if I remember correctly, also included karate and for the most part it was just a down-home good old boy, a friend from high school . It 'been fun for him in the Federal Republic of Germany in one of his operations a few days before, while delivering nuclear waste at 69 Ordnance Group, of which his unit was the 545 Ordnance Company. He remembered him, a little 'hot tempered at times, savethe fact that it was hard, angry, but once it was crazy hard to get – had a character emotionally, not as his brother, who was as calm as a stone – but then, it was, but at the appropriate time it would be nice. For most Evens was a discovery in itself, thought Chris.

They were both – he and Odd – in every respect, the development of alcoholics: He liked to drink in those days, they're like my call "the good old days of the neighborhood"and then in the army, but also contributed to the love story in progress, where appropriate, with the bottle. Even Chris a shot from his meditation was disturbed on the floor, it seemed as if a fight was going on: a bash it was as if they broke the wooden door to the spaces of the barracks framed arches. He opened the door of his room with four men, and looked down the hall – sure enough, the sounds were down the hall: the two sides of the walls were colored green andpale green on the protein, which went to the rest of the way from the wall and ceiling and, secondly, the noise was the end of the hall, it seemed, coming to his right, was the middle of the afternoon. He also listened closely: certainly a struggle of some kind, ordered: Army knew of three guys in this room, a Mexican who was always brag about how tough he was, a white South – known as the Red, drugs at all, I wanted to sell, unless Strung Outto himself, and a black man is never just saw Chris knew he was tall, but seemed harmless, all right, he was always losing his wounds, the corporal to private the next one month, in fact, had seen exactly what in his closet, which means two sets of green dresses, one with its own stripes on them, and a corporal stripes, which saves time and out looking for a seamstress, and cut – Chris is back in his room,closed the door behind him, leaned back in his chair, and suddenly an accident happened to him.

Chris has been reported, like him, Chick Evans, Johnny's wife, Karen, and the shadow, the girlfriend of Chris' [which was the shadow, because they followed Chris around all the time, like a shadow is] they were all in a bar St. Paul, called "Bram" before going into the army in particular. In any case, at this time, "Outcast of hell," came in a motorcycle gang, and from nothing,Johnny and the band started a fight with someone, Johnny became friends with them. Even if you never knew that chicks hanging around with them, and then the fight broke out, with no chicks or Chris and Johnny always include horror, seems a bit 'too pious. However, his girlfriend was safe in the barn with the two, as the bar was destabilized by the minute – when was the gladiators of Rome itself had opened its doors to the Colosseum for a party struggle. From all corners of thebars, was: fly glasses, beer bottles, and both crashed flying recklessly Everyplace wild through all the heads, bodies. People are torn, punched, people screaming, yelling.

Chris heard the bartender says, "I called the police, are on their way," a nice sort of warning for some strange reason, in the hope that there would be no reprisals after the most likely. Johnny was drunk as a skunk, and Karen looked all around to Johnny, he was worried for him, but I'm not suredo, the shadow was ducking, but nothing had come to their state, not yet anyway, and Odd only at every step that takes place in the bar was seeing – Johnny's eyes will be caught – Evens, "Johnny, the principal in most cases E Odd 'friend, like a saber-toothed lions drunk Chris.

He said [Evens], Johnny saw ten meters away:

"We should get out of here before the police come," at that time gave a grin smiling chicks ((if not a joke)), and resumed. Fight Peripheral vision is the key, has a double take at the side of the shoulder and the edge of the seat stand – so toward the rear of the car flew into a chair, a person close to Harry, who had thrown, or even possible to Johnny possible that someone could have, and that was how someone had picked up – this is not the chair and I noticed a lone stand with the happy-go-lucky, fun hazardous, and wanted to make sure they got their destiny – but Somehow, soon threw ChickForearm, blocking the chair, as directed against them – for a moment before flying into the air over the heads of all the stalls, and when it was locked, on a different schedule in which his forearm, a little 'dented. Chicks then got up and asked three people with him to enter the hell out of there before it was too late, therefore, so that the door when the police sirens louder and louder in the background. Immediately took Johnny with the desire Karen, threw him into the cabin and onEarth and pushed him with his foot as he tried to stand, after which a policeman came and asked: View into the cabin before takeoff:

"You see Johnny low?" Chick responded: "… At last I saw of him that he was sick in the bathroom", then took off the police, and Chick told the driver to move, and he did.

– Chris looked out the window of his barracks, leaning on the sill of the window, looked down and around the bottom of the hustle and bustle, then triumphantly leaned over his radio, turneddown loud that they covered the problem and make the angels of darkness down the hall.


The specialist women
Specialist Jackson – of 545]

It was at this time Sergeant Wright always return to the United States, had remained in 43-44 months at the 545 Ordnance Company, had seen a lot happen in that time frame. He was a sergeant came and took Buck Sergeant, Staff Sergeant, and was soon before he wouldwent to his next service station, he knew, perhaps in two months. His career began at Fort Bragg, private, and Alabama, where he was a private class in the first place, and then to 545 as a corporal, sergeant, where he, and would now be assigned in Italy, after a short stay in United States, then, where would sergeant.

When he goes on a surety inspection, had noticed that when he arrived, there was only one woman on the basis of whichwas in the mess hall, now there were several, some with technical positions in the back of the work on atomic bombs, were from all social classes, and races: the women of color, Mexicans and whites work together, things were change that, he said, and the fact that he had heard that the women had received 545 hours in the company on a trial basis to see how they mix: the deputies had. It was still a novelty for most, and the men fell, but theThe problem was that, where everyone can. This was the beginning.

Chris had received a call from a friend of his, a [Chief Warrant Office], CW3 McDaniel, is that its new nuclear weapons technician arrived, and she was a woman and that she needed him, his distance from the start: a top secret game and they want processed as quickly as possible. This was not a new thing for Chris to hear, for the most part, everyone felt his men had, or should be givenpriority, although this can not Sergeant Wright, he let people think that would be his way only for them, and sometimes he would. In fact, it could take weeks to make the process, and sometimes days, sometimes even months. And a few hours time. This time CW3 McDaniel, was in hours, had completed most of the paper work on her already – and that was right. "Well," Sergeant Wright was thinking, "why not try square," because he was aof the few officers who were the commander, and the inspectors when they came down from Washington DC to check his records boast how good Wright was that he was the best in his field, so it was easy to go to the sergeants out of its way for him more. Wright and never forgotten.

"Corporal, McGee [his assistant]," said the sergeant,

"I need to take the hand that the work of Jackson Paper Specialist through the process of getting her a top-secretDistance so that we can work on them in the place to get bombs, ASAP! "

"Sergeant No problem, I have the records, fingerprints Battalion now and go tomorrow morning and see what I can do." And so it happened, and their distance Specialist Jackson has to work a little 'faster than the average person, and Sergeant Wright received a phone call from a marshal to thank friendly. Often the name of the game, as it always was, "she rubs your back, you rub"and for the most part it worked.

Surprise specialist Jackson

It was noon, and all of a sudden the siren went, was a warning in progress, this happens often. In the process the front door was locked and the posterior site was also blocked – the guards are positioned at the back with their rifles and M60 machine guns, army and all the staff did on the website for the current drill fake, everything is been secured and tested in caseof a real alarm, but this alarm as all orders were either battalion or group level, and sometimes even a higher level, but mostly false. In the mist of all this ran through all its barracks and the armory to get their weapons, and were told if they form a band to get instructions for what would be the next step. Normally, everyone would be taken to be ready for an attack – which was not an attack on Sergeant Wright, a waste of timeonce again, said he and his men, but had no choice but to play, usually when he would find, if you keep the drill, he did something that day in higher education are based, and away from the faux emergency . Again, this was obviously an attempt to alarm or dry run to see how quickly the site could be secured.

In the process, the office was closely linked to staff, which at that time were about fifteen soldiers, three of them women, in the stateHall is waiting to see the first sergeant, or commander. Sergeant Wright, one of the most requested fifteen years, the first sergeant, where his team should also help to treat education records. Since everyone was waiting in the lobby, there was a black soldier directly in front of Sergeant Wright. She had large breasts, he had ever seen them before, must be new, he thought – perhaps Jackson, and then saw his card: E. Jackson, of its status asFour specialists, equal to a corporal. He found himself staring at some strange reason, most of her large breasts – you said, it was possible even in a daze thinking about the situation with large breasts that its top of the blanket from the neck to their apparent lower rib.

"Something wrong Sergeant," said a voice, still stunned, and almost on his chest with his eyes. [. Pause] She says again: "What are you looking sergeant!" The sergeant sawup, straight in the eye – there was a long pause – "You see something you like Sergeant?" It was a bit 'rude, he thought, should not be so, they just need to wake him, she thought. Someone looked at the road, the sergeant said, "Yeah, I'm looking at the doorknob … immediately after the shoulder – a specialist!" She looked at him with a smile. He looked at her with a smile. Then he looked again and again and finally began to look away to another person ifasked:

"Well, what Sergeant?"

"What …?" for E.

"You have my file, why not try it any easier?" and the head will turn from him, apparently knew who he was, that being the NCOIC deposit. The thought, Sergeant Wright: "… this is what I have always been for her, her game."

